Diy Karate Belt Display
light with shadows Background: A ventilation system is a device to supply to residential and business premises clean outside air or "used" or polluted air (ABL) to dissipate. Since ventilation systems cause a large proportion of electricity consumption is from ecological and economic reasons, the installation only recommended to the necessary places. So you should use a ventilation system only where mechanical ventilation is mandatory. What's more, that much space for the equipment itself and for the ventilation ducts is needed. This must be taken early enough considered, as this may change as the strength of the ceiling in the planning. Possible reasons for a ventilation system: At the restaurant, for example, the installation of a ventilation system is essential for several reasons.
- Cleaning of unpleasant odors and harmful substances (tobacco smell, and eating ) - To cool for accumulating Waste heat (people, equipment) - Loading and dehumidify the air (humidity produce people) - Because the people sitting dining is to pay attention to air flow!
design criteria for ventilation and air conditioning systems: Building Category VI / Raumlufttemp. Winter 21 ° C / Raumlufttemp. Summer 26 ° C / ambient humidity Winter 30% / air humidity summer 70% / indoor air quality without smoking in m3 / h per person 36 / air flow and tension-sensitive sensitive (in summer than 0.5 m / s) Why this is not the window ventilation? example
A restaurant owner wants to know if a window is sufficient ventilation? - 1 Space for 50 people / 2 A = 8m x 10m = 80m2 / 3 Height 3m / 4 V = 240 m3 / What conditions are met?
The window area is more than 3% of the floor and meets the first condition. The depth is 2.66 - times the room height. Since the windows are only one side present, mechanical ventilation should be recommended.
A person evaporates about 40 g / h. When fully operational about noon, 50 people visit the restaurant. The results for 50 guests: 50x 40g / h = 2000 g / h per m3 This gives a moisture supply of 8.33 g / m3 = 8.33 g / kg
In summer, the resulting moisture, which, without the standards to exceed ten. In winter, the moisture can not be included, since cold air can hold less moisture than warm. A conventional ventilation is not conceivable, because you can take during the operation badly regular airing even if the weather would allow it, because it causes air flow. For sedentary work an air velocity of less than 0.25 m / s is recommended, otherwise, guests will complain determined. In addition, the supply air (ZUM) in cold and hot weather has no comfortable temperature.
Needs there is also a cooling?
Every person gives off heat, which is measured in terms of watts. On average, there is a quiet person sitting at a power of 104 watts. Additionally happen in a restaurant lighting and other equipment. Once the limit is reached of 250 Wh / m2 12 h, a mechanical cooling is allowed, if a window ventilation is not possible. Otherwise, the benchmark is 350 Wh / m2 12h
According to Table 1, a restaurant, a load average standards achieved total of 263 Wh / m2 12h
learning Final reflection
In a large restaurant, you can not do without a ventilation system. You'd have the window to vent a lot of things under control Get are in the behavior of a tenant already difficult to enforce. You have to eighth
- accumulating moisture, heat, CO2 levels respectively. Air pollution that the temperature does not fall below or exceed that of the comfort of the visitors are guaranteed
why must finally looked for an environmentally acceptable ventilation.
school records, documents ZHWIN
Construction and Energy Band 5
home automation module 2
The current global energy supply consists of nearly 90% of non - renewable energy sources. To ensure sustainable development in the energy sector, renewable energy will have to be increasingly promoted. The ability to generate electricity from sunlight, offers itself as an alternative for future power supply.
The photovoltaic (PV) is a form of active use of solar energy. The solar cells convert sunlight into electrical energy order. In contrast, the solar panels convert solar thermal plants in the sunlight due to heat
electricity from the sun
solar power systems on a fascinating physical effect. The light quanta (photons) of sunlight produce in the semiconductor material of the solar cell directly to electric current (figure). This current is collected through contacts on the surfaces of solar cells. Several solar cells are combined to form a solar module.
Different technologies
It developed a wide variety of solar cell technologies, which are distinguished by crystalline solar cells and thin film cells.
mono-crystalline cells (left), cut from a (round) silicon crystal, dark blue. Expensive, but with the highest efficiency by 16%. Performance guarantees are given for 10-20 years. (About 30 years of use guarantee)
-Polycrystalline cells (center) with visible Crystal sections, usually bright blue, rectangular. Low-cost, but compared to mono-crystalline cells is about 10% lower EFFICIENCY.
-Amorphous cells (right) without crystal structure, also called thin film cells, many colors available, including nearly transparent. The material is deposited on substrates such as glass or flexible foil, so much smaller cost of materials, cost-effective. Efficiency 5% - 10%, new developments also higher in the first few months clearly decreasing. By multi-layer cells improvements are expected. Amorphous cells with materials other than silicon, such as copper indium diselenide (CIS), but also with titanium oxide pigment cells are in development and can expect lower costs and efficiency improvements.
The solar power system
Grunddätzlich a distinction between two types of solar power systems.
Island plant (left):
The energy is in a buffer battery stored. Small island systems are not used for the electrical supply to the grid-coupled devices
such as from parking meters, navigation aids, telecommunications equipment or to illuminate remote buildings. For larger autonomous power generation systems, eg for a larger supply of electric-grid buildings (SAC huts), is often operated through a small funnel Switches with 230V AC power. Here, the PV systems are often combined with additional power generators such as diesel or wind generators in hybrid power generation systems.
grid-connected systems (right): The direct current is directly converted into alternating current and fed into the grid. For this purpose a network of synchronized Exchange Hopper (inverter) with the necessary controls and safety devices is required. Even small Exchange Hopper (3 kW) to achieve annual efficiencies over 90%.
electricity Yield:
The efficiency of the photovoltaic system is determined by the radiation conditions. For a large installation costs 1 kWh of solar electricity is about 70 cents for a small installation of 2 francs. Additional battery costs arise as a stand-alone system.
planning: are
ideal south facing, sloping land that are larger than 50m2. The solar modules should be shaded as much. The modules can be mounted flush roof or facade. It is important that the modules are easily accessible. Aesthetic needs, such as conservation and heritage protection must be considered. The Changes due to the noise judges must be positioned appropriately.
"form, color, luster and not visible"
aesthetic criteria for photovoltaic system
The current manner of construction can be optimally combined with the solar technology. Where previously the monocrystalline or polycrystalline plants on a roof of aesthetics was a thorn in the eye, thanks to the thin-film cells is little difference between a "Normal colored glass facade" and the photovoltaic panel to be recognizable. (Picture facade)
Technical aspect (image: Possible solution for PV panels)
still needs to be clarified are the following details:
A maintenance-friendly mounting the PV panels, which are also fast disassembly damaged modules
-The cable allowed inside the facade
-The connection of the elements -The location of the junction box
heating, ventilation, electricity, guide to planning and practice
brochure: Swissolar "Power from the sun,"
BBL-order 805.352d 05.2007 10 000
brochure: Research Initiative for Future Construction, F2711, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
Name: Andrea Pfister
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