you know the problem? When the sun shines in winter, is pleased to Bauherrsch aft because the costs for heating can be minimized. But unfortunately, the sun shines more in the summer and then wants one out that the sun beams remain. The air conditioner as an alternative is not an option. So too would the lowering of the shutters is as a problem, since one must then do the light. This is the mood inside is not better and it is also still a waste of energy. To solve this problem, you have to get the light or the sun better grip. Therefore, companies invest heavily in new windows, which darken on command or derived sunshine of tiny mirrors into the depths of open-plan offices. The first such en windows are already on the market. More M Insert models will follow in the future. But there are different systems, the light, which appears through the window to check. Three ways this "problem" under control get are successful in the text explains in more detail.
Mirror, mirror in the windows ... Various researchers have developed windows with tiny mirrors made of aluminum. Between the two panes of double glazing are per square centimeter of about 2,000 about levels that are so small that the human eye perceives it only as a bit gray. When an electric voltagethe mirror tilt on tiny hinges like the slats of a Venetian blind. Will heat one with the sunshine, most mirror on the forward GE tilts, and only where the light faded, mirror lock some of it. Im So mmer be on the other hand, on reflection mirrors to direct a portion of the sunlight but at the ceiling, or where the users of the space rade GE brightness need.
mikroverspiegelten The production of a disk is usually done in a layer structure. On the glass of the first transparent electrical semiconductor indium tin oxide is applied. Directly on this layer by the highly sensitive micro-mirrors are made. Such as memory chips must also produces them in dust-free clean rooms be. In the window then they are well protected from damage and dirt, as they sit between the panes of double glazing. Because of the thermal insulation of the space between the panes is now usually filled with inert gas. This prevents various chemical reactions that could damage the mirror. The big advantage to traditional hinges, they do not wear the tiny structures in the constant back and Herklappen. The mirrors are so small that they can not even break
. control The micromirror can be controlled by Knopfdru
ck or automatically. Over a Personenerke nnungssystem with an attached sensor control could shine on the window person with an individual light cone, which migrates with you when they run from one desk to another desk. But whether it's worth, is another question. Especially when several people in the same room are present. This technology could allow even a small luxury Ga g. By controlling you control the mirrors so that they can represent for example the arms of the canton of Zurich. Between two sheets of glass ornaments. A nice side effect, but certainly more expensive! power consumption Apparently you have no concerns regarding the cost of electricity. To tilt the mirror of "transparent" to "reflective ", about 1 watt per square meter of window area is needed. In order to keep the mirrors their position, the window needs only 0.1 watts per square meter. Nor should it be that fast in a south facade has a few dozen square meters of window area. Unfortunately, the production comes from large windows to normal yet. Until now you could make only a centimeter wide modules. Therefore, it will certainly take several more years until the product is ready for the market and you can also use full-size window with this technology
electrical voltage "electrochromic. These discs are flexible alternatives z u permanently tinted solar control windows, the architects like to use for large-area glass facades.
The solution of the electrochromic windows is a coating of tungsten oxide, which is stained with the insertion of lithium ions in blue. The electrochromic window is three glass panes, with the technology between the middle and outer plate sits. They each carry a conductive coating on himself. On one disk is spread to a thin layer of tungsten oxide, on the other a mixed oxide. In between is an ion conductive plastic foil, the lithium ions. When applied to the two discs, an electrical voltage, the lithium ions migrate to one of the two oxides - depending on the polarity of the discs. Store the lithium ions into a tungsten oxide, the disc sounds - it takes a few minutes, with reversal move the ions back and the discoloration will disappear, as the mixed oxide is colorless, with or without lithium ions. However, as with sunglasses, it will not work even with these windows. If you look with sunglasses in the sun, it will still blinded. The same applies to this principle. In plain language this means that when the LCD monitor is covered by the sunshine, you need an additional layer (sun protection) for the monitor to continue to become comfortable working.
The electrochromic window cost, according to the manufacturer about CHF 1,400 per square meter. The mikroverspiegelten window should, if they are then on the market, be somewhat more expensive. This raises the question: Is it worth the Investment, or are the convertible window rather a high-tech gimmick?
of conventional windows is expected that they hold at least 20 to 30 years. to ask such a prognosis of these windows is difficult. It has not made any long-term experience and a further question is how long this window of all "control" the sun really 100%. At a certain age, the efficiency will certainly decrease. This raises a further question of rehabilitation. Well, it is still a long way to full market maturity of these two different windows, but the third option is the very likely cost-effective option. And still without electricity.
2.3 convertible window without electricity, but still with a yellow tinge ...
The best solution would be to demand not just shut out all of the light, but only the heat radiation, ie the infrared portion of sunlight. For this purpose, vanadium dioxide is tested, containing a small amount of tungsten. This substance has a built in their chemical structure switches for protection from heat. It changes its crystal structure at temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius. This change affects the permeability for heat radiation. Above 30 ° C reflects the substance of infrared light, at lower temperatures it can happen there. Visible light passes through the other hand, both crystal structures through. The exact switching temperature can be controlled so the amount of tungsten. The vanadium dioxide, which contains no tungsten replaced, at almost 70 degrees Celsius, its crystal structure. This convertible window therefore do not require electricity. Window glass to coat it is already successful, but getting the discs by an unattractive yellow tinge. Therefore now a variety of different researchers are working to resolve this yellow tinge. If they succeed, this opportunity would be a very serious enterprising Competitor to the above-mentioned variants. The material is cheaper and many times the dimensions of the windows represent no problem Moreover, no one uses electronic impulses for power, which certainly is a cost savings equal.
3.1 reflection of the learning process
I have ventured on a subject that today is a very central issue, but it is rarely talked about openly. There is always talk of each U-value and the material, but we never talk about what caused the influence of the window on the glass surface to the building services. The main thing the windows are facing south. windows can be more than just windows. You could make our lives in the house more comfortable and easier.
This is precisely the point of my work. I wanted to find out what can make "special window" better and what the technical effort. As always, I wanted to compare the cost of something. In particular, I also wanted to show the direction in which it could with the technology of the windows. It does not always all be solved with a film ....
The three windows represent a higher standard with different technologies. It shows a small review of what direction it can go with the windows. By this text, I still wanted to something more to bring light into the darkness. And I think the future will bring still has a lot in regard to this subject. http://www.solarserver.de
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