Thursday, April 16, 2009
Lewis Structure For Clf21
- feel good with light: A suitable Lichtgebung by daylight and artificial light promotes the well-being
- How can now be obtained from a maximum well-being Lichtgebung? How can the "visual space climate" be made more comfortable? This is often pointed to the naturalness of daylight. In a sense, this view is justified. It would be wrong, lighting concepts, which are suitable for outdoor activities, without looking to transfer to the service desk or in sales. The lamps / lights radiate light and brightness. But also a lot of heat. In my summary I would mainly focus on the interior lighting of a warehouse, is an example from my practice to explain the advantages and disadvantages, and what effect a lighting plan to the heating / ventilation / air conditioning / refrigeration added.
- initial situation / problem / solution
was in the old town a sales load of about 80 m2 cleared and re-rented. The rooms are cooled by a current boom in the one Be-/Entlüftet and in the other. The premises have up to a glazed entrance, no natural light. All lighting must be provided artificially. The room temperature is heated to 21 ° C.
for the new tenant space was completely renovated. The lighting has been redesigned, based on sales items and Verkaufsphylosofie. The massive increase of light sources, the heat radiation of the lamps has been massively increased, about 53 KW. As a result, the room temperature is increased. Our job was to keep the room temperature at 21 ° C this without giving up on this type of lighting. In cooperation with our company technicians, we have a cooling technology (see below) with a cooling machine designed and installed over the air. The refrigerator (works like a refrigerator), with a capacity of 73 KW, cools the water which is stored in the memory. The re-cooling is done via the roof. Through the circuit in the air conditioner is the intake air is cooled from below and above erhausgeblasen again. The air conditioner is equipped with thermostats.
The room temperature and comfort has been reached.
Conclusion this topic I think we paid too little attention. The aesthetic is like the equivalent function. Thus, like I say it does not help to plan a beautiful and exciting lit room, if the user is in it can no longer stays than two minutes. I really had to wonder as I have seen in our project, how large the radiation of heat from the lighting, and with what effort you had to fix them. Too bad I find again that only the investment has been put forward in relation to the cold. It would have been the excess heat that is created, use in a heat recovery concept. Of course, the investment would have been far greater, but in the long run, this would have rendiert secure. If you deal with such topics , continue, you are automatically more attentive to it. The spectrum in the subject of lighting is very large, and is of course not only to make light and heat. Zb is regulated by the SIA that on a desktop, table, 200 lx (lux) should be bright. An over - or under-exposure can be harmful. In this area, including the reflection of light, bright surfaces, etc.
Ch.Schierz, H. Krueger: Belechtung
- School of Engineering Zürich_Student: Stefano Mastroberti 16/04/2009
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