situation was different including the bathrooms and check out the issue of comfort in the spa area in terms of the comfortable indoor environment and its Related humidity. On water quality and treatment were not addressed, which also form an important part of comfort.
first Thermal comfort:
principle, be said that people react very individually to thermal comfort. Thus, this topic is a rather random and personal. For when would be best rooms, which as of the "most" users be "neutral," felt neither too cold nor too hot.
PMV index (Predicted Mean cunt = average assessment of indoor climate)
PPD index (Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied = proportion dissatisfied people)
also depends on the comfort with people of his activities, clothing and their environmental conditions as in our case: air temperature, surrounding surfaces, air speed and humidity from. in swimming pools is the matter of comfort extremely delicate, since man is naked and it would make a very unpleasant way, should these points, not enough respect to be paid. second Air temperature
Usually you go from a room temperature of about 30 ° C. The air temperature should be for reasons of convenience and to limit water evaporation from the basin 2-3 ° C above the pool water temperature of 28 ° Celsius. The relative humidity is in a range from 60 - 65%. It is important to ensure that this is a permanent humidity chamber, which also means that very high demands on the physics and - must be made construction. It is important to ensure that the space continuously dehumidified, filtered and heated air flows through. This can be done with a central ventilation system with heat recovery. From experience, this would be an hourly air exchange rate of about 3 ... .. 4 times. It is also the interpretation of the ventilation system must be ensured. Too high air volume is expensive, since a
would cause increased energy consumption due to high evaporation and a reduction of comfort due to high air velocity. The supply air should be injected below the windows. Extracted should air on the opposite side and that
on the ceiling. Here, it must also have a very good thermal insulation with vapor barrier the inside must be applied. Because the surface temperature is a not to be underestimated factor in swimming pools. Cold air flows from high windows / walls should therefore be avoided. Temperature differences of more than 3 ° C reduce the comfort due to the increased heat radiation of the human body radiation enormous. Thus, it freezes. If the heat dissipation is too small, you sweat. Also cools the surface temperature from the air, acting as a nasty draft. Through high-quality thermal insulation can be on the floor and the ceiling give a surface temperature of about 29 ° C, which is almost equal to a floor heating and high comfort provides.
As for the steam baths according to information from an adviser to the supply and return air is 10 times the volume of 18% to 20%. There are also steam rooms here, with or without air. In contrast to swimming pools, there is the SPA - no specific policy area.
4th Indoor air humidity
As mentioned before, the room humidity between 60 and 65% and a room temperature varies from about 30 ° C in order to be comfortable. Unlike in the steam rooms where the humidity varies depending on the bath of 40% to 100%. The typical steam has a temperature of 45 ° C with a humidity of 80% to 100%. The steam bath, the generation of supersaturated Steam and a steam boiler reached. By comparison, the temperature in a Finnish sauna amounts to 85 - 95 ° C, the humidity is only 10% to 30%.
Conclusion comfort, comfort summary it can be said that thermal comfort are related to the following factors:
- heat
- indoor air humidity
- surface temperature and
- individual temperature sensitivity
Thomas Zallinger /
thomas.zallinger @
source evidence showing:
- EOS-WERKE GmbH Günther
- Company Klafs
- heating, ventilation, electricity, construction and energy, VDF-Verlag
- Paperback f. heating + air conditioning, Oldenburg Verlag 1994, Table 351-1
- Wikipedia
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